
Dynamic Digi

Digi marketer in T&T



Podcast – Social equality/Philosophy


A series of topics on digital marketing, philosophical, and political topics will be hosted. Stay tuned. 🙂

Choosing political leaders.

A point on Gad Saad made me think.

Do people choose politicians on truly reasoned grounds?

I’ve long thought that they don’t.

The example was PM Trudeau of Canada, and his recent election win.

There are many who do not use “sound”means to choose politicians, and whilst this is not advisable in many cases, it’s normal based on human psychology.

I believe most people don’t have a thorough understanding of political/economic concepts or theory. So this is understandable in a way. However, I don’t believe this does or should undermine liberal democracy’s value. Liberal democracy ensures that the greatest number have the greatest freedoms, and in my mind this is liberal democracy’s true power.

What is a good government?

This is a random thought…..but what is a good government?

I’m going to use the UK as an example, though I accept this is a subjective topic. T

Thatcher 1979-1990

Many British people, even after Thatcher is deceased, have very differing opinions on her tenure. Nonetheless, she had a vision, designed to correct and better the state of the country at hand. She also provided strong legacies in various areas, with her privatised industries being major players in given areas (BP and BG for instance).

Attlee 1945-1951

Clement Attlee was PM immediately after WWII. He is noted for installing the NHS, and nationalising industries (which Thatcher privatised by and large). He too had a vision, but not just rooted in economic policy, but building a lasting infrastructure and positive social development.

Even evil governments, such as the Third Reich, it could be said left some developmental agenda, no matter how morally dubious we deem its effects. So in summation, it could be a good government is one that enhances the national life of a country economically, socially, politically, and militarily.

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